High School Students

Start College Now at Franklin University

Get access to college-level courses, or complete your entire freshman year (or more!) of college while you’re still in high school with Ohio’s College Credit Plus (CCP) program.

Our classes are free for CCP students, and the college courses you take through CCP could also be used to fulfill your high school graduation requirements (depending on your local school district’s policies). Find out how it works and how to apply.

Save Money

Earn college credit in high school to finish faster.

College-Level Courses

Jumpstart your college experience while still in high school.

Free College Credit

Take up to 30 hours a year of college courses while in high school.

How College Credit Plus Works


College Credit Plus provides college-level coursework to ambitious and motivated high school students. As a bonus, the college classes you take through through the program may fulfill your high school graduation requirements (if approved by your local school district).

  • If you are a student grade 7-12, apply for College Credit Plus (CCP) admission to a public or participating private college like Franklin. No student may participate in CCP beyond their anticipated high school graduation date.
  • With CCP, you’ll take free classes at your high school, online or on campus at public colleges or universities -- that means no cost for tuition, books or fees. If you choose to attend a private college or university, you may have some expenses associated with taking classes.
  • Admittance to the CCP  program is based on your college-readiness in one or more subject areas. Your high school guidance counselor can help you understand your options, deadlines, and next steps.
  • The number of college credit hours you may take depends on the number of high school units for your academic year, with a maximum of 30 credit hours of college credit. Your high school guidance counselor can help calculate your credit hour eligibility.
  • Learn more about the program at the Ohio Department of Higher Education’s College Credit Plus website

How to Apply

Contact your high school guidance counselor

Talk with your guidance counselor about your high school's requirements for enrollment in the College Credit Plus Program.

Submit your application

Complete your free online application now.

Complete an application addendum

Fill out an Application Addendum and email the completed form to admissions@ngskmc-eis.net.